Links and Resources
Links and Resources
- ASPIRE - After School Programs
- CDE: After School Education & Safety Program
- CDE: 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Action Youth America (AYA)
- City of Long Beach: Parks, Recreation & Marine
- YMCA of Greater Long Beach
- Camp Fire USA
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Long Beach
- Conservation Corps of Long Beach
- California AfterSchool Network
- Afterschool Alliance
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans provided in this section are MS Word documents. Click link to download the files.
Grade 1
- Boiling Ice
- Bottle of Fun
- Candles Burning Bright
- Cold Balloons
- Cool Ice
- Eggs Float
- Leaking Bottle
- No Room
- Raisins Dance
- Shiny Pennies
- Sinking Paper
- Soaking Eggs
- Soapy Boats
- Water Spout
- Wavy Water
- Boiling Ice
- Bottle of Fun
- Candles Burning Bright
- Cold Balloons
- Cool Ice
- Eggs Float
- Leaking Bottle
- No Room
- Raisins Dance
- Shiny Pennies
- Sinking Paper
- Soaking Eggs
- Soapy Boats
- Water Spout
- Wavy Water
Grades 6-8
- Air Pressure Lesson
- Are You Going the Wind Limit?
- Bernoulli's Principle
- Diffusion & Molecules
- Ecology & Me (Day 1)
- Ecology & Me (Day 2)
- Ecology & Me (Day 3)
- Ecosystems
- Gotcha Mini Experiments
- Gravity and Me Experiment
- Grow Your Own Crystals
- Long Beach G.S.I.
- Make a Kaleidoscope
- Potential & Kinetic Energy
- Rate of Speed
- Reaction Time
- Rockets
- Science in the Kitchen
- Sharks & Sea Lions
- Smell & Taste
- The Amazing Ping Pong Ball
- The Bubble Boat Experiment
- The Habitat Game
- The Law of Motion
- The Loopy Loop Plane
- The Science of Music
- The Table Top Toy
- The Upside Down Images
- Von Frey Experiment
- Wings & Flight
Public Notices
Notice of Public Availability of WRAP Evaluation Results
The WRAP program is based upon an established set of performance measures aimed at ensuring the availability of high-quality educational enrichment activities to all participants. The program is aligned with the new Common Core standards and utilizes scientifically based research to help students meet the standards. To ensure that progress is ongoing and that outcomes are being met, the WRAP program conducts periodic evaluation in addition to required grant evaluations, in order to assess progress toward providing high-quality opportunities for academic enrichment. Evaluations, which are used to refine and improve the WRAP program and its performance, are available to the public upon request.
To make a request for evaluation results, please contact the WRAP Office by phone at (562) 498-2324.
21st Century High School ASSETs Program
The Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) is providing this notice of intent to apply for the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program grant for Jordan High School. Jordan currently has an ASSETs grant, but the funding will expire at the end of this school year. In order to continue to provide high quality before- and after-school programs for Jordan's students, LBUSD intends to apply for a renewal of this grant through the California Department of Education. LBUSD is the Local Education Agency responsible for submitting the application for funding, and the application is due on or before November 13, 2018. Further information may be obtained by calling the LBUSD WRAP Expanded Learning Program office at (562) 997-8000 x.7172.
Download Notice
21st Century Community Learning Centers
The Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) is providing this notice of intent to apply for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. The application is due on or before November 13, 2018. This notice outlines LBUSD’s plan for submitting the application through the California Department of Education. This notice identifies LBUSD as the Local Education Agency responsible for submitting the application for funding. LBUSD operates an expanded learning program known as Winners Reaching Amazing Potential (WRAP) at fifty-six K-12 school sites across the district. The program provides students with academic enrichment, homework help, physical activity and a nutritious snack at no cost to students or families. The 21st Century Community Learning Center funding is currently used to fund afterschool program sites in LBUSD. LBUSD intends to apply for funding for the 2019-20 school year to continue to serve the maximum number of students possible in this free, daily expanded learning program. Further information can be obtained from the WRAP Office at (562) 8000 x.7172.
After School Education and Safety Program Universal Grant
The Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) is providing this notice of intent to apply for the After School Education and Safety grant. The applications are due on or before January 12th, 2019. This notice outlines LBUSD's plan for submitting these applications through the California Department of Education. This notice identifies LBUSD as the Local Education Agency responsible for submitting the applications for funding.
LBUSD operates an afterschool program known as Winners Reaching Amazing Potential (WRAP) at fifty-six school K-12 sites across the district. The program provides students with academic enrichment, homework help, physical activity and a nutritious snack at no cost to students or families.
The After School Education and Safety grant funding is currently used to fund the K-8 afterschool program sites across LBUSD.
Further information can be obtained from the WRAP Office at (562) 997-8000 x.7172