Hazel Heart (Mental Health)
Student Support Services
Department Address
2221 Argonne Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 986-6870
(562) 985-0524
Hazel Heart
Long Beach Unified School District has partnered with Hazel Health to provide teletherapy (online) mental health support for our students. The focus is to make short-term therapeutic support accessible to students experiencing some emotional or behavioral challenges (e.g., transitional stress). Services are provided virtually and can be assessed at home for all of our students.
Virtual Only
✓ At Home: District Wide K-12 ✓ At School: 15 Sites
Free for All
Will bill insurance if applicable, but no cost to caregiver
Referrals Via:
- School Staff
(Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists) - Caregivers
- Short-Term Therapy
- Link to Resources
Scan to sign up for our short-term online therapy program,
or visit the
LBUSD - Hazel Health Site
15 of our schools are also able to provide the service during school hours.
- Bixby Elementary School
- Cabrillo High School
- Cubberley TK-8 School
- Longfellow Elementary School
- Marshall Middle School
- McBride High School
- Millikan High School
- Powell Academy School
- Prisk Elementary School
- Renaissance High School
- Stanford Middle School
- Tincher K-8 School
- Reid High School
- Wilson High School