CORE Survey
Research and Student Outcomes
Department Address
1515 Hughes Way
Long Beach, CA 90810
CORE Survey
As part of our school improvement and accountability plans, the Long Beach Unified School District surveys parents, and students in grades 4-12 on a range of school climate indicators that have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The indicators fall under four broad areas of focus: Teaching and Learning, Knowledge of Discipline/Rules/Norms, Safety, and Sense of Belonging.
In addition to school culture and climate, we also assess the social-emotional learning of students. Based on compelling research and our own experience as educators, social-emotional competencies like self-management and developing a positive growth mindset are an important complement to academic preparation in helping our students succeed in college, career, and life. A national teacher survey conducted in 2013 shows that 93% of teachers think it is very or fairly important for schools to promote the development of social-emotional competencies. Furthermore, 95% of teachers believe that these skills are teachable, and 97% believe they will benefit students from all backgrounds.
Seven social-emotional competencies are included on the survey: growth mindset, self-efficacy, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making, and self-awareness. These seven competencies were selected based on research about the importance, measurability, and actionability of each competency.
Students in grades four to twelve will be asked to self-report on a series of behaviors (e.g., coming to class prepared, following directions) and beliefs (e.g., whether it is more important to be talented or to put forth a lot of effort), that, taken together, have been validated as indicators of social-emotional skills
CORE Student Surveys
Elementary CORE Survey Questions for
Social and Emotional Learning and Culture & Climate
Secondary CORE Survey Questions for
Social and Emotional Learning and Culture & Climate