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Work Based Learning



Curriculum: CTE

Department Address 

1299 E. 32nd St.
Signal Hill, CA 90755

Department Phone 
(562) 997-8000 x 2900

Work-Based Learning in LBUSD

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that links school-based instruction with activities that have value beyond school and into the workplace. (WestEd) Examples include: workplace tours, job shadows, internships, career-related competitions, industry certifications, etc.

WBL activities fall along a continuum of experiences for students and exhibit increasing levels of intensity and employer engagement over time intended to produce deeper, more targeted, and meaningful experiences. 

The continuum often begins with career awareness (guest speakers and career tours) followed by career exploration (informational interviews and competition judging). It then progresses to career preparation (mock interviews and resume development) - all of which may lead to further educations and career training activities, such as internships and apprenticeships.

WBL activities typically include the following components:

  • Aligned to Career - connected to curriculum and integrated into projects and classroom experiences
  • Value Beyond School - students explore career options through culturally relevant real-world experiences
  • Role of Industry Partner - mentors provide relevant feedback, connections, and networking
  • Engaging & Hands-On - application of professional thinking and skills with opportunities to cultivate joy and connection

Work-Based Learning Team

Contact Phone / Address Position / Responsibility
Mikle McBride (562) 997-8000 x2904 Assistant Director - Workforce Readiness
Kevin Smith (562) 997-8000 x2904 Program Specialist - Work-Based Learning & Financial Literacy
Christopher Clifton (562) 997-8000 x2904 Career Education Support Services Manager
Kehau Fujikami (562) 997-8000 x2904 Business Engagement, Partnerships, & Programs Manager
Vacant (562) 997-8000 x2904 Business Development & Marketing Specialist