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Camp Enterprise



Camp Enterprise

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Long Beach, Camp Enterprise is a 3 day adventure and fun experience at the YMCA Camp Oakes in Big Bear. At Camp Enterprise, LBUSD high school students learn about business from some of the most recognized professionals in town.

Each year, approximately 60 students participate in Camp Enterprise at the YMCA Camp Oakes in Big Bear. Over the course of 2-1/2 days,  the students work in teams to create a business plan for a brand new business and present it to the entire group. The program develops teamwork skills, builds up self-confidence, and teaches practical business lessons in marketing, finance, operations, and more.

Students who have never been exposed to business concepts get to work with Rotarian members who own businesses and have valuable experience to share. The goal of Camp Enterprise is to inspire students to pursue a career they are passionate about, and to provide tools and resources to help them succeed in business and in life.

Camp Enterprise 2024 Student Application

Camp Enterprise 2024 will be held Wednesday, April 3rd to Friday, April 5th at the YMCA Camp Oakes in Big Bear, CA. Transportation, food, and lodging will be provided.

Deadline Extended!

If you are a current LBUSD junior in high school, interested in participating in Camp Enterprise, please click on the link below and fill out the application. Deadline to apply is February 16, 2024, or until filled. 

Camp Enterprise Student Application

What is Camp Enterprise Video