Vendor Bids
Nutrition Services Branch
Department Address
3333 Airport Way
Long Beach, CA 90806
Department Phone
Phone: (562) 427-7923
Fax: (562) 988-0263
Department Hours
We are open Monday through Friday, except for District holidays and furlough days.
Office hours: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Warehouse delivery hours: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM, no appointment needed
Compliance and Enforcement of the Buy American Provision & Choose California Produce Act
As specified in the Buy American provision in the National School Lunch Program (subdivision (n) of section 1760 of title 42 of the United States code), products of domestic origin are strongly preferred (processed products should be at least 51% American origin). Further, in compliance with the Choose California Produce Act, Chapter 7 Part 1 of Division 21 of the Food and Agricultural Code, where price, fitness, and quality being equal, the District will give preference to supplies and produce that is grown, manufactured or produced in the state of California. Hence, a Certificate of Origin must be included with your response for each item listed in the Bid, Request for Quote or Request for Proposal. Your response may be deemed as “unresponsive” and ineligible for contract award for failure to include information and certifications requested. Learn more about the Buy American memo, SP 38-2017 and California Assembly Bill No. 822 regarding Choose California Produce Act
Vendor Information
The Nutrition Services Branch maintains a database of suppliers for all classes of commodities and services purchased by the Long Beach Unified School District. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure profiles are accurate and up to date. The following link may be used to access our Bidder Database:
PlanetBids (TM).
During registration, you will be asked to select certain commodity codes. The commodity code section is particularly important because the District uses them when searching for suppliers/vendors who sell a specific product or service. Please take the opportunity to include all of the commodity codes that reflect your company's merchandise and/or services. The following link may be used to access the full list of commodity codes currently used by the District:
Commodity Code List.
Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email. Please save or print this email as it contains your vendor number, your log in ID, and your password. If you do not receive this email, please check your junk email as it is often directed there depending on firewall settings.
Vendor qualifications are not reviewed before being added to the Bidder Database. There is no determination of whether your company is a responsible vendor. The Nutrition Services Branch determines vendor responsibility on an individual case by case basis.
Vendor FAQ's
Q. How do I register to become a future vendor?
A. Register your company at to be added to our bidders list for future solicitations. See the "Vendor Information" tab for direct link.
Q. How do I get on the bidders list for future solicitations (RFPs/RFQs/RFBs)?
A. Register your company at to be added to our bidders list for future solicitations. See the "Vendor Information" tab for direct link.
Q. How do I edit my profile?
A. From the main portal, log in and select "Vendor Profile". (The "New Vendor Registration" icon will change to "Vendor Profile" once you are logged in.), make the necessary changes, then click "Save and Exit".