Special Diets
Nutrition Services Branch
Department Address
3333 Airport Way
Long Beach, CA 90806
Department Phone
Phone: (562) 427-7923
Fax: (562) 988-0263
Department Hours
We are open Monday through Friday, except for District holidays and furlough days.
Office hours: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Warehouse delivery hours: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM, no appointment needed
Special Diets
Nutrition Services is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students in need of dietary modifications that are supported by a medical statement. Staff and parents are encouraged to further explore the Nutrition Services Web page for resources for students with special dietary needs. These include a Medical Statement form, Nutrient and Allergy Information Tables, and other important information
Medical Statement Forms
- Download Medical Statement Form: English
- Download Medical Statement Form: Spanish
- A completed Medical Statement signed by a State Licensed Healthcare Professional (licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner) is required to ensure the modified meal is reimbursable.
- A completed Medical Statement ensures that meals are medically appropriate for the student.
- Return the completed form to the Nutrition Services Supervisor at your student's school cafeteria and allow 3-5 business days to initiate or change a Special Diet accommodation.
- Medical Statements are in effect until the condition changes or the student leaves the district. If the condition changes, a revised Medical Statement form signed by a recognized medical authority must be submitted.
- A completed Remove Special Diet Form (English/Spanish) can be returned to your student’s school cafeteria to remove a Special Diet accommodation that is no longer needed.
- For students with disabilities who only require modifications in texture (such as chopped, ground, or pureed foods), a recognized medical authority's written instruction, indicating the appropriate food texture is recommended, but not required.
Special Modified Diets for Students
- Allergy Information Table (for peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, egg, soy, fish, dairy, sesame)
- Nutrient Information Table (with carbs, calories, sodium, fiber, protein, fat)
- Diabetic-Carbohydrate-controlled
- Gluten-free for Celiac disease
- Sodium-restricted
Diet Modifications for Religious or Personal Preferences, Including Vegetarian
The Nutrition Services Branch offers a variety of menu items daily through the District’s school cafeterias. The “offer versus serve” method of service allows students to make their food selections from the variety of foods offered. Meatless items and menu items containing pork are indicated on the menus. This can assist parents in advising their student in making food selections in the cafeteria. Meatless options are available throughout the month. Yogurt and housemade granola is available daily. Other options include macaroni and cheese, vegan burgers, cheese pizza, vegetarian nachos, bean and cheese burrito, fruit & yogurt parfait, cheesy garlic bread, and peanut butter and jelly sandwich (select sites). Additionally, multiple fruit and vegetable offerings are available daily.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Q: My child has a dairy allergy. How do I arrange for dairy-free foods?
- Q: My child is lactose intolerant. What can Nutrition Services provide for my child?
- Q: My child is diabetic. What can be done to help keep the diabetes under control when he eats at school?
- Q: Our family is vegetarian. Are vegetarian lunches provided?
- Q: My child is trying to lose weight. What options are available in the school cafeteria?
- Q: Where can I find nutrition information about menu items served in the school cafeteria?
- Q: How long does it take to initiate or change a Special Diet?
- Q: My child has special dietary needs. How does Nutrition Services provide for them?