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Nutrition & Fitness



Nutrition Services Branch

Department Address 
3333 Airport Way
Long Beach, CA 90806

Department Phone 
Phone: (562) 427-7923
Fax: (562) 988-0263

Department Hours
We are open Monday through Friday, except for District holidays and furlough days.

Office hours: 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM 

Warehouse delivery hours: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM, no appointment needed

Nutrition & Fitness

Eating well and keeping active are ingredients in your recipe for a healthy lifestyle. Your body needs nutrients found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and low-fat protein sources. When you're well nourished and active, it’s easier to learn, stay focused, and your body will feel better! So take the stairs, park a little further, get up and find someone instead of texting them - all these small changes add up to do your body good.

Guidelines to a healthy lifestyle include:

  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Choose low-fat sources of protein (including beans and legumes)
  • Watch portion sizes
  • Drink water instead of sugary beverages.
  • Check sodium in foods and choose those which are the lowest
  • Be active for at least 60 minutes, 5 days a week for ages 6 to18 years
  • Say, “No” to tobacco and drugs

Healthy Active Long Beach
City of Long Beach DHHS web site

LBUSD Wellness Policy
View / Download

LBUSD Health Education Office
LBUSD Curriculum Site for Health Education

School Environment

“We Can Work Together to Create and Promote Healthy School Fundraisers,”
2-page resource by the School Nutrition Association.
View / Download

Promoting a Healthy School Environment: Resources prepared by the Connecticut State Department of Education:

“Healthy Classroom Party Ideas," by California Department of Public Health’s Network for a Healthy California

Peach Tree

Farm to School Resources:

Locally Grown Cara Cara Oranges: View / Download Flyer 

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Resources:

Explore our offerings: View / Download Flyer 


Nutrition & Fitness Online Resources:

California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition) is a joint program of the California Department of Public Health and the Public Health Institute. California Project LEAN works to advance nutrition and physical activity policy in schools and communities in order to prevent obesity and its associated chronic diseases:
Visit Website

Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a consumer advocacy organization whose twin missions are to conduct innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and to provide consumers with current, useful information about their health and well-being.
Visit Website

Nutrition Policy Institute, Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources
Visit Website

Cooking with Whole Grains, Whole Grains Council
Visit Website

Eat Right - “It’s About Eating Right.” Sponsored by the American Dietetic Association, the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.
Visit Website

Fruits & Veggies More Matters - Sponsored by the Produce for Better Health Foundation.:
Visit Website

Healthy Active Long Beach - “Champions for Change.” Sponsored by Health & Human Services, City of Long Beach; Network for a Healthy California.
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Healthy Dining Finder, dietitian-approved dining options.
Visit Website

Lifecycle Nutrition - Food and Nutrition Information Center, USDA National Agricultural Library. Topics available include: infant nutrition, child nutrition and health, adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, fitness and sports nutrition and vegetarian nutrition.
Visit Website

My Life Check - “Live Better with Life’s Simple 7.” Sponsored by the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association.
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MyPlate Logo - This resource offers personalized eating plans and interactive tools to help you plan/assess your food choices based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Visit Website - “Smart Nutrition Starts Here.” Sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Visit Website

Child Nutrition Lessons - Sponsored by the National Dairy Council.
Visit Website

Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, resources, news and pod casts from the Rudd Center at Yale University.
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Team Nutrition, US Department of Agriculture.
Visit Website

USDA Team Nutrition Activities
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Your Health, Resources provided by Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine related to preventive medicine and nutrition.
Visit Website


Parent Resources:

Food Insight, International Food Information Council Foundation
Visit Website

Kids Health:
Visit Website

Nourish Interactive, for parents (English and Spanish)
Visit Website

Type 2 Diabetes, information sheet from the California Department of Education
Visit Website

We Can Eat Right! “Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition,” by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.
Visit Website

Teacher Resources:

Farm to School:
Virtual Field Trip to Tarsadia Farms: Organic Oranges

Kids Health:
Visit Website

Nutrition Fun for Kids, with free downloads
Visit Website

Nourish Interactives, free printables (English and Spanish).
Visit Website

Produce for Better Health Foundation, Fruit and vegetable teaching resources.
Visit Website