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New Assignments Fill 87 Key Positions

LBUSD New Assignments


LBUSD New Assignments



A total of 87 administrators start new assignments at schools and offices in the Long Beach Unified School District this year.

Justin Grayson joins LBUSD as Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer.

Promoted to director is Tammy Lavelle, OCIPD, was assistant to the superintendent, Office of the Superintendent.

Lucy Salazar becomes director, Equity Engagement and Partnerships Office, was director, Organizational Equity and Engagement.

Margo Adkins-Jackson becomes SSI administrator, High School Office, was assistant principal, Poly; and Douglas Jordan becomes Measure E administrator, Facilities, was assistant principal, Kettering.

Promoted to principal are Tomika Romant, Browning, was vice principal, Lakewood; Tracy Hall, Dooley, was assistant principal, Dooley; Edward Steinhauser, Hughes, was assistant principal, Wilson; Ann Erskine, Madison, was assistant principal, Roosevelt; Charo Darwin Glomah, McKinley, was assistant principal, Whittier; Christopher J. Thompson, Newcomb, was assistant principal, Lakewood; and Laura Martin, Beach K-12 Independent Study, was assistant principal, Hoover. Joining the school district as a new hire is Danielle Wright, principal, Buffum TLC.

Reassigned principals are Kimberly Carpenter, from Madison to Harte; Alma Black, from Tincher to Franklin; Donna Ryono, from Newcomb to Tincher; and Troy Bennett, from Hughes to Reid.

James Suarez becomes special assistant to the superintendent, Office of the Superintendent, was assistant director, EACCR Office.

Promoted to program administrator are Carrie Wiley, OCIPD was administrative assistant, OCIPD; and Wendy Rosenquist, Special Education, was administrative assistant, Special Education.

Reassigned program administrators are Cynthia Bater, from High School Office to OCIPD; Carol Gutierrez-Ortega, from High School Office to OCIPD; and Seema Paul, from Special Education to School Support Services.

Vanesha Davis becomes program administrator, Human Resource Services, was principal, McKinley; Elizabeth Worsham becomes program administrator, OCIPD, was principal, Harte; and Shawn Abbate becomes program administrator, Equity Leadership and Talent Development, was Measure E Liaison, Facilities. 

Promoted to assistant principal are Allison Rayburn, Longfellow, was teacher on special assignment, Elementary Office; Jennifer Kolb, Franklin, was teacher, Jefferson; Toiya Smith, Lafayette, was teacher on special assignment, Nelson; Monica Manipon, Lincoln, was teacher, Powell; Angel Mikaele, Whittier, was teacher, Dooley; Mary Hoang, Hoover, was teacher, Hughes; Trinisha Williams, Hughes, was teacher, Stephens; Eric Cabacungan, Jefferson, was teacher on special assignment, Stephens; Wendy Ili, Lakewood, was teacher, Jordan; Thurman Ashley, Millikan, was teacher on special assignment, Poly; Michael Crowder-Jones, Poly, was counselor, Wilson; and Jacquelyn Gainer, McBride, was teacher on special assignment, Washington.

Reassigned assistant principals are Karen Grunst, from Muir/Harte to Muir; Rita Aslan, from Hughes to Addams; Sunday Vetrovec, from Powell to Dooley; Nicole Kelly, from Addams to Harte; Macy Jelinowicz, from Millikan to Jefferson; Linda Cargile, from Poly to Rogers; George Walton, from Jordan to Cabrillo; Victor Jarels, from Cabrillo to McBride; Julie Sparks, from CAMS to Poly; Diana Cohn, from Jordan to Wilson; My Ngoc Nguyen, from Rogers to Wilson; Cassandra Richards, from Cubberley to Marshall; and Agustin Vieyra, from Marshall to Washington.

Sherita Clemons becomes assistant principal, Roosevelt, was administrative assistant, Elementary Office/EACCR; Kellie Hodge becomes assistant principal, CAMS, was administrative assistant, EACCR; Racquel Welch-Kitchen becomes assistant principal, Jordan, was assistant director, Office of the Superintendent; and Sashya Tullo becomes assistant principal, Lakewood, was administrative assistant, High School Office. Newly hired from outside the school district are Rebecca Ngo, assistant principal, Hamilton; Esther Deth, assistant principal, Jordan; Viviana Espinosa, assistant principal, Powell; Allison Kargas, assistant principal, Herrera;

Promoted to program specialist are Courtney Hull, OCIPD, was teacher on special assignment, Elementary Office; Olga Grimalt, OCIPD, was teacher on special assignment, OCIPD; Alan Sheppard, OCIPD, was teacher on special assignment, OCIPD; Christine Whipp, OCIPD, was teacher/teacher on special assignment, OCIPD; Brett Wiley, OCIPD, was teacher on special assignment, OCIPD; Vanitha Chandrasekhar, Research Office, was teacher on special assignment, Research Office; Amy Culligan, School Support Services, was teacher on special assignment, Special Education; Emma Peguero, Avalon, was teacher, Avalon; Rose Van Meeveren, School Support Services, was school nurse, Nursing Services; Kristina Damon, Elementary Office, was teacher, Carver; Sharon Barker, Head Start, was Educare mentoring supervisor, Head Start; Susana Cortes, Student Support Services, was social worker, Tucker Administrative Offices; and Kristy Freund-McFeggan, OCIPD, was teacher on special assignment, OCIPD.

Reassigned program specialists are Kathleen Brown, from Elementary Office to OCIPD; and Martha Ensminger, from EACCR to OCIPD.

Promoted to administrative assistant are Athena Herbas, Special Education, was teacher, Jefferson; Elyssa Taylor, Equity, Engagement and Partnerships Office, was teacher on special assignment, EACCR Office; Erica Sarabia, School Support Services, was teacher on special assignment, Special Education; and Stephanie Heilig, Equity, Engagement and Partnerships Office, was teacher on special assignment, Millikan.

Reassigned to administrative assistant are Eddie Cruz, High School Office, was assistant principal, Jefferson; David Costa, Middle and K-8 Office, was assistant principal, Washington; and Juan Gonzalez, Elementary Office, was assistant principal, Lincoln. Joining the school district as a new hire is Darci Coppolo, administrative assistant, Student Support Services.

Renee Shipman becomes assistant director, OCIPD, was assistant principal, Wilson; Catherine Hickox becomes assistant director, Equity Leadership and Talent Development, was assistant principal, McBride; and George Tsai becomes assistant director, Business Services, was administrative assistant, Middle and K-8 Office. Newly hired from outside the school district is Mikle McBride, assistant director, OCIPD.

Promoted to instructional director/principal supervisor is Nicole Howton-Chiles, Elementary Office, was principal, Dooley. 

  • 2021