Foundation Makes Grants to Reading Teachers
Long Beach Education Foundation President Steve Chesser awarded $43,200 in grants to ninth and tenth grade reading teachers at the Board of Education meeting Tuesday. The 144 high school reading teachers each received a certificate of appreciation and $300 to buy reading materials for their classrooms. The recognition is for their efforts to improve students' reading skills. The teachers will need more materials. With recent state budget constraints, the Long Beach Education Foundation stepped up to help their students. Most of the reading classes are new to the local high schools. The classes are part of a districtwide effort to prepare all students for the California High School Exit Exam. Students must pass the exam to earn a diploma. Teachers receiving the reading grants are: Avalon--Phyllis Lowenthal, Belia Rockwell, Steve Tanksley and Peter Velasco; Cabrillo--Adam Austin, Lois Brasov, Laura Brecht, Linda Carroll, Veronica Gallo, Dave Jones, Jeanne Koss, Beth McCutcheon, Becky McGlinchy, Karalyn Mibeck, Colette Miller, Michelle Montooth, Cesar Montufar, Harold Owens, Jennifer Richter, Robin Roy, Christine Stanley, Gabriel Tablada, Pam Thomas and Melanie Webb; Connections--Keisha Hall; Jordan--Sabrina Arney, Donna Ball, Pat Bobo, Devon Day, Darryll Dearborn, Summer Diebel, Gennaro Di Massa, Yolanda Grisolia, Susan Hildebrand, Judy Jordan, John Kane, Elvira Luna, Janice Macon, Chuck Mageean, Sondra Miller, Matthew Montoya, Nancy Moses, Jennifer Santo, Robert Sunderman, Allyn Topp, Lynelle Wise and Anne Zizz; Jordan Freshman Academy--Bryan Autz, Emily Bailey, Stacey Dahlquist, Veronica Evans, Gina Gabel, Mary Ann Gleason, Don Grose, Chris Johnson, David Kerns, Andrew Lee, Barbara Morgan, Daniel Romo, Georgia Stuart, David Scott, Sandra Stoneman, Mike Weinberg and Deborah Wilk; Lakewood--Patricia Arteaga, Jeff Cahn, Duane Crawford, Toni Crawford, Jodie Denithorne, Mari Lee Elam, Julianne Fanshier, Susie Gregg, Judy Hawley, Steve Lange, Elizabeth Langlois, Erika Pazier, Marshall Ramirez, Tim Rother, Bettejean Wagner and Carol Zook; Millikan--Ed Acevedo, Jennifer Atkins, Debra Chastain, Stephanie Espeleta, Greta Eskridge, Steven Ferrell, Al Gonzalez, Carrie Hedberg, Ritambra Jain, Guillermo Jimenez, Sharial Lee, Patricia LeGalley, Scott Mattox, Daryl Munson, Anja Orbach, Antje Peterie, Barabara Prats, Phyllis Price, Tylene Quizon, Mio Tanaka, Nader Twal, Matthew Vann, Judy Vlastakis and Michael Weiman; Polytechnic--Jan Ballard, Jared Boyatt, Stan Enge, Edmonia Foe-Taylor, Brian George, Mary Margaret Johnston, Rose Marie Marr, Diana McClure, Katy Nichols, Mary Ruffner, Ed Shimizu, Julie Stephens, Catherine Thomas, Rochelle Villalobos and Tonia Wilson; Reid--Toya Basheer, Carla Carrarini, Susy Ibarra, Milo Meeks and Caridad Nunez; Renaissance--Tess Brown, Nicole DeLisle, Paul King and Wendy Roberts; Wilson--Craig Barnes, Anna Bullock, Grace Cassotto, Nancy Harris, Carla Holmes, Andrea Hoover, Janet Leis, Gerald Lunderville, John Margain, Patricia Martinez, Christian McGrath, Matthew Murray, Susan Nelson, Michael O'Brien, Sarah O'Day, Roxy Richmond, Pat Schafer and Jennifer Stuart. The private, non-profit Long Beach Education Foundation directs 100 percent of contributions to assist local school children, teachers, support staff and schools. Not one penny goes for overhead or fundraising. Donors may designate where they want their contributions to go: field trips, music/arts programs, school uniforms, classroom teacher grants, K-12 literacy, Camp Hi Hill camperships, staff and teacher training, and early childhood education. Year-end tax deductible donations may be made to Long Beach Education Foundation, 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach, CA 90810.
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