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Apply Instructions



Apply Instructions

This online application will require specific information about your credential status. If you are unsure of your credential, visit the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) website for online verification.

NOTE: An emergency permit is not a credential.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree, CBEST passage, Credential or Current Student Teacher.
  • Bachelor's Degree and CBEST may not be required for Career Technical Education (CTE) and Adult Education.
  • Head Start-Please refer to Head Start Flyer for minimum qualifications.
  • Educare-Please refer to the Educare Flyer for minimum qualifications.


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Your complete document packet must be uploaded online or received by our office within three (3) weeks of e-application submittal in order for you to be considered for an interview. Incomplete document packets will be returned to sender.

Please have your document packet prepared before completing an e-application. A complete packet includes:

  1. One Resume and Cover Letter
  2. One letter of reference from current or most recent principal/supervisor*
    (on letterhead, signed & dated within one year)
    *If currently student teaching, submit a letter of reference from your master teacher.
  3. Official transcripts of all college work completed with degree posted (photocopies acceptable)
  4. Photocopy of CBEST passage or Verification of Basic Skills Requirement.
  5. Student Teaching Evaluations (if student teaching occurred within the last three years)
  6. Photocopy of valid credential* (Not applicable for Substitute applicants.) *including CTC document number and issue and expiration date

If currently student teaching, please submit the following as soon as they are available to you. These items will fully complete your application packet.

  1. Photocopy of valid credential
  2. Student Teaching Evaluations

    Please submit your document packet online or via U.S. mail.
    Human Resource Services
    Attention: Applicant Tracking
    1515 Hughes Way
    Long Beach, CA 90810

    NOTE: Materials received as part of the document packet cannot be returned or copied.


Our staffing professionals focus on fully credentialed teachers and applicants for high need areas such as Special Education and Science.


Selected applicants are interviewed at the district level for possible employment, on an as needed basis.


During the application process, contacts are made to the applicant’s references and former employers.


Applicants who are recommended for candidate status are referred to schools for site interviews.


A Human Resource Services staffing professional contacts the successful candidate to make an employment offer. Sometimes these offers are made earlier in the process, without identifying the specific school site. Most often, offers are made after the background check process is completed and include the school site placement information.

NOTE: Principals and school staff are not authorized to offer employment. Only HRS offers employment.

Before an offer of employment can be made, all applicants who have prior convictions will be required to provide a certified copy of all relevant records including but not limited to: conviction reports, probation reports and court records. This applies to applicants and current Long Beach Unified School District employees who apply for a promotion or change in employment.


New Hire processing includes the completion of required New Hire documents. New Hires will pick up a packet of materials prior to their individual processing appointment (usually the same day that they are coming to the District Office for fingerprinting). The New Hire will complete the documents in the packet prior to their processing appointment.

All new hires must:

  • Provide proof of a negative Mantoux Tuberculosis (TB) screening
  • Have LBUSD fingerprint clearance from the California Department of Justice
  • Be cleared by the District Physician who reviews the confidential medical questionnaire (included in the New Hire packet)
  • Provide employment eligibility (I-9) documentation
  • Provide copies of documents that establish Identity and Employment eligibility (such as a California driver's license and a social security card)
  • Be credentially cleared to perform their assigned position

During New Hire processing, a Credential Services Specialist will review and collect the required documents. The Specialist will provide salary, benefit and other important information to the New Hire. The New Hire is not cleared to begin work until they are officially notified by Human Resources Services.

I Have Read and Understand the Above. I Would Like to Apply Now 

The Long Beach Unified School District is an equal opportunity employer and, in compliance with federal and state laws, does not discriminate in any employment practice on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, family, or parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information, political or union affiliation; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these perceived characteristics.

The Long Beach Unified School District prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student or employee based on the above characteristics. If you would like a copy of the Long Beach Unified School District’s Board Policies regarding Non-Discrimination, they are available on the district webpage under “N” for Non-Discrimination. For information regarding Title IX, which is a federal law that protects against sex discrimination, please look under “T” for Title IX.

If you believe you have experienced discrimination, bullying, or harassment, immediately contact the school principal of the involved site and/or the Director, Office of the Deputy Superintendent of Education Services at (562) 997-8204 to report the incident and/or to file a complaint. The LBUSD Uniform Complaint Procedure policy and forms are available under “C” for Complaints on the district webpage as well as in all school and district offices.