Parent University - Home
Join us Thursday, October 17th for a WEBINAR on
Bullying and Sexual Harassment Prevention
Parent University Workshop 10/10
What is Parent University?
A series of workshops designed to support and empower families to become full partners in their child's education.
LBUSD parents and caregivers are welcome to attend. Transportation, childcare, homework help and translation services are available.
Let's engage!
Click here for PARENT GROUPS
Click the button above to find meeting agendas & minutes, upcoming workshops for other parent groups
Upcoming Events
Browning High School, 2180 Obispo Ave, Long Beach - multi-purpose room
Parent University Workshop 10/10
Workshop Schedule
Previous Workshop Resources
Archived Workshops
Parent University Parent Conferences & Two-Way Communication
Click on the links to view the most recent meeting's slides.
Parent U - Social Media