Update on Negotiations with TALB for 2023-24
Employee Relations and Ethics
Department Address
1515 Hughes Way
Long Beach, CA 90810
Department Phone
(562) 997-8220
Negotiations between the Long Beach Unified School District and the Teachers Association of Long Beach (TALB) for the 2023-24 school year have started.
Our bargaining teams convened on Nov. 6 and Nov. 27 to discuss key proposals. TALB focused on Article V: Days and Hours of Employment and Article IX: Safety Conditions of Employment, while the District presented proposals on Article V: Days and Hours of Employment, Article VI: Compensation and Article X: Class Size and Staffing Ratios.
Key highlights from the District's proposals include addressing eligibility for summer school programs, increased pay rates for athletic directors, clarification of language regarding cost sharing at the District Annual Maximum for health benefit contributions, additional pay tiers for department heads of large departments, and adjustments to language regarding special education class size ratios.
We look forward to ongoing discussions and collaboration. The upcoming negotiation dates with TALB are scheduled for Dec. 5 and Dec. 18.
Thank you for your continued dedication to the success of our students and community.
- Bargaining