State Funding
Curriculum: Textbook and Library Services
Department Address
2201 E. Market St.
Long Beach, CA 90805
Department Phone
(562) 997-8000 x 2003050
State Funding
Due to a change in the way schools are funded in California we no longer have a specific program with dedicated funds for instructional materials (previous funding Instructional Materials Fund Realignment Program IMFRP). The new state funding model is called Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The goal of the LCFF is to significantly simplify how state funding is provided to local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs will receive funding based on the demographic profile of the students they serve and gain greater flexibility to use these funds to improve outcomes of students. Under the new funding system, revenue limits and most state categorical programs, such as IMFRP are eliminated.
However the sufficiency of standards aligned textbooks and instructional materials is governed by Education Code (E.C.) 60119, which requires a public hearing early in the school year to determine that sufficiency.
With the new Common Core State Standards LBUSD is reviewing and planning the purchase of aligned textbooks. The funding will be prioritized based on content area and the availability of resources over a multi-year implementation plan. Possible funding sources include LCFF, Common Core one-time funds, other one-time funds and Restricted Lottery.