Physical Education
Curriculum: Physical Education
Department Address
1515 Hughes Way
Long Beach, CA 90810
Department Phone
(562) 426-7828 x 7142963
Curriculum - Physical Education
Contact | Phone / Address | Position / Responsibility |
Petja Waider | (562) 426-7828 x 7142963 | Physical Education/ Health Coach |
Curriculum - Physical Education - Staff
Contact | Phone / Address | Position / Responsibility |
Diva Morillo | (562) 997-8129 x 2008105 | Staff Secretary |
- Physical Education Framework for California Public School (Link)
- Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools (Link) (Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve)
- California Physical Fitness Testing (Link) (CDE)
- National Standards for K-12 Physical Education (Link)
Physical Education Mission Statement
Our mission, as defined by the California State Framework for Physical Education, is to develop a physically educated person who has mastered the necessary movement skills to participate confidently in many different forms of physical activity, values physical fitness, and understands that both are intimately related to health and well-being.
Physical Education Vision Statement
We believe the quality and productivity of each individuals life is enhanced through participation in a comprehensive physical education program that promotes the optimal growth and development in their physical, mental, emotional, and social well being. A developmentally appropriate physical education program empowers students to make wise choices, meet challenges, and exhibit positive behaviors in lifelong fitness and movement activity.