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Course Descriptions



Curriculum: Health Education

Department Address 
1515 Hughes Way 
Long Beach, CA 90810

Department Phone 
(562) 426-7828 x 7142963

Elementary & MIddle School Health - Course Description

Course Description, Kindergarten-Grade Two

Health education for young students focuses on what they can do to promote good health and well-being, making clear connections to their immediate environment and health information, concepts, skills, and behaviors.

Students will learn
  • how to care for their bodies, communicate effectively, and positively contribute as members of their classroom and families;
  • identify health resources in the community;
  • practice safe behaviors, prevent common accidents, respond to emergencies;
  • distinguish between helpful and harmful substances;
  • know how to make healthy food choices, participate in active play, and get sufficient sleep;
  • understand the stages of the life cycle;
  • recognize symptoms of common illnesses and practice good personal hygiene to prevent the spread of disease.

Central themes are the acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health, respect for and promotion of the health of others, an understanding of the process of growth and development, and informed use of health-related information, products, and services.

Course Description, Grade Three - Five

Health education for intermediate students focuses on how they can assume more responsibility for their health, develop positive health behaviors, and prevent negative, unhealthy behaviors. Acceptance of differences in individual growth and development as well as strategies to prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in woven throughout the curriculum.

Building upon earlier learning, students will learn:
  • how to care for the needs of their changing bodies, communicate effectively, and positively contribute as members of their peer groups and families;
  • identify health resources in the community;
  • practice safe behaviors, identify hazards and actions to remove those hazards from their surroundings, respond to emergencies, and develop conflict resolution skills;
  • identify effects of drugs on the body, understand influences that promote drug use, and develop the skills needed to resist those influences;
  • know how to use the USDA food guide as a guide to healthy food choices, set personal fitness goals, and meet the sleep needs of a growing body;
  • understand the functions of body systems;
  • recognize treatments of major communicable and non-communicable diseases and practice good personal hygiene to prevent the spread of disease.

Central themes are the acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health, respect for and promotion of the health of others, an understanding of the process of growth and development, and informed use of health-related information, products, and services.

Middle School Health - Course Descriptions/Outlines

This course is designed to assist students in obtaining accurate information, developing lifelong positive attitudes and behaviors, and making wise decisions related to their personal health. Study will include personal and community health; mental, emotional, and social health; injury prevention and safety; nutrition and physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; growth, development, and sexual health. Central themes are the acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health, respect for and promotion of the health of others, an understanding of the process of growth and development, and informed use of health-related information, products, and services.

Middle School Health - Education Electives
Building Healthy Relationships

This course is designed to assist students to build a strong foundation toward a safe and respectful environment and enhance harmony. It is designed to increase the students' level of social competence through empathy training, intrapersonal skills (self control and decision making), interpersonal skills (refusal, communication, decision making, non-violent conflict resolution, mediation), and anger management. This course supports the Health Education Standards and Benchmarks through acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health, respect for and promotion of the health of others, an understanding of the process of growth and development, and informed use of health-related information, products, and services